Thursday, October 25, 2007

Week 7 -- Technology -- How library professionals are using the technology

In the editorial of Library Journal October issue, it says that in 1994 keeping up with technological change was the biggest job concern for library professionals and nearly seven out of ten found technology daunting. Now, only three out ten do. It is a positive sign that the library professions are actively embracing the technology.

Here is another interesting article about the age and the use of technological tools by library staff.

Techie generation

Predictably, nearly all (99.9 percent) of those responding to the survey use email. While 65.2 percent read blogs, academic library workers are more likely to be blog regulars (70.8 percent) than those in public libraries (64.6 percent).
Of course, the biggest differences in the use of digital technology and especially social software correlate with the library worker’s generation. A hefty 86.9 percent of those under 30 read blogs; 69.1 percent IM each other, 56.4 percent post pictures online, and 58.2 percent have a MySpace or similar page. These percentages drop dramatically among older library workers. As the march of digital technology continues, older librarians will have to find new, more effective ways to keep up.

Read the complete article.

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